Speaker Recommendation Needed


I just bought a Peachtree Nova 125se and am now looking for a good speaker match for me. I live in a small town so won't have an opportunity to audition anything. The speakers will go in my living room which is about mid-sized and opens up into the kitchen. I listen mostly to folk, soul and rock. I own a REL T5 sub which I can pair with a bookshelf to augment the bass but I also like the idea of small floorstanders. I usually turn up the treble a few notches but the Peachtree does not have tone controls so I would like to find a bright sounding speaker with a forward midrange as well. Here are some speakers i am considering:

1. Wharfedale Jade 3
2. KEF LS50
3. Dynaudio Excite X14
4. Monitor Audio Silver 6
5. Zu Audio Soul

What do you audio people think?




Brimel1974, thanks for the info, and I can't see any problem with your speaker placement. It appears that your preference is a sound that is a little bright and forward sounding. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's like the old saying, "not everyone likes chocolate ice cream." Wish I could recommend the magic bullet for you, but all I can do is give you my opinion. Maybe the majority of typical "Stereophile Recommended" speakers are not what you are looking for, I don't know, just thinking out loud. Klipsch is a brand that can be a little bright and forward. Some people love them and others hate them. On that thought, read this review. Ignore that the speaker is not in your price range, just get what it is saying.


Zu Audio is another brand that seems to be love/hate. And again, IMHO of all the speakers listed in this post, the Zu Audio Soul on your list would be my pick for you to try. They do have a very liberal return policy with only a loss of shipping one way if you return. Should you buy others and not like, then you're selling used at a much greater loss.

Something that I definitely recommend is that whatever speaker you choose, make sure the sensitivity specification is at least 88db-90db or above. This will help to avoid the issue talked about in your discussion "Can the KEF LS50 rock?"

Hi Tls,
Thanks for your advice. I really love the look of the Zu's and their philosophy. Maybe that is the right call for me. 

You’re welcome. The guys at Zu are great. I'm sure they would be happy to just talk with you.

Why no mention of the cost? 

A great speaker the Spatial audio M3 ,or 4 depending on space..
You might also try the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 with the NRT tweeters. They are much more forward and can reach reasonably deep, so integrating with your sub should be easy. They have a 30 day trial period as well so all you'd be out is the shipping if you didn't like them.