Speaker Recommendation Needed


I just bought a Peachtree Nova 125se and am now looking for a good speaker match for me. I live in a small town so won't have an opportunity to audition anything. The speakers will go in my living room which is about mid-sized and opens up into the kitchen. I listen mostly to folk, soul and rock. I own a REL T5 sub which I can pair with a bookshelf to augment the bass but I also like the idea of small floorstanders. I usually turn up the treble a few notches but the Peachtree does not have tone controls so I would like to find a bright sounding speaker with a forward midrange as well. Here are some speakers i am considering:

1. Wharfedale Jade 3
2. KEF LS50
3. Dynaudio Excite X14
4. Monitor Audio Silver 6
5. Zu Audio Soul

What do you audio people think?



You might look for a pair of Klispch Herresy speakers! Very efficient and sound great! Just my opinion!
I didn't see your budget but if you spend 8k to 12k Eggleston Works, I have a pair of Andra III since 2008 and they are my last speakers! The 12" dual woofers give you very tight deep detailed bass, you could sell the sub for you'll think there is a sub with these babies. the 5" dual mids will give you that forward sound and the sound staging is out of this world. 
They make a smaller pair that have been extremely well reviewed here and in magazines too I believe they are the Dianne's
these work great with tube amps also
good luck

We B&W 800 series owners know what clean and bright is, and we wonder why they are so rarely mentioned by audiophiles on this site. I love my 803's, but I do realize that subs are necessary for bad recordings and/or people with no tone controls. I use matched main and sub preamps and amps. It works very well. (Ah, British understatement.)
ML LX-16 or Motion 15 great build and sound for money. Always try in your room first.