Tube integrated amp under $1000

Getting close to taking a plunge on a small tube integrated amp preferably under $1000.  Open for suggestions.   Small size and WAF matters.   The two leading contenders I have actually heard are Glow Audio Amp 1 and Jolida fx10.  

Only knock I know of against either is Jolida runs hot and can shorten lifespan.   How has that turned out for owners?

Will  run 90db small monitors initially  and needs a headphone Jack as well.  Ability to drive lower impedance headphones like Sennheiser Momentum without noise or hum desired. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmapman
Hm, since we're talking about under $1K, I don't know if you'd consider a hybrid amp. I think a tube buffered chip amp / gainclone can be very nice if carefully done - I happen to be selling one :) (search for modified jolida hybrid)
I've had some of my vintage stuff checked out/repaired by a guy named Scott who owns SG Custom Sound in Douglaston NY.  He's a musician, tech, and carries Jolida products.  

I was interested in a piece years ago and when I asked him if I should be cautious of Chinese manufacturing he replied that they build according to the specs/materials they're instructed to, so...

If someone with his  background saw no issue with it neither could I. Cool guy, cool shop. Just a third party endorsement perhaps more valuable than mine!
Mapman, From your other posts i know you use a computer as a source. Great for a multi system person. Sounds like you need a tube  headphone amp, preamp combination. Maybe one that includes DAC. I am thinking this is what I need as well. One way I found around the DAC issue is to use a HRT music streamer connected directly to the inputs of my Schiit Vahalla via dual male RCA connectors I found on Ebay. The Vahalla lacks pre outs however. 
Mapman have a look at my "Headphone Heaven"system.This little amp is KILLER & will drive Low Impedance cans with NO PROBLEM!

Mapman, From your other posts i know you use a computer as a source. Great for a multi system person. Sounds like you need a tube  headphone amp, preamp combination. Maybe one that includes DAC. I am thinking this is what I need as well. One way I found around the DAC issue is to use a HRT music streamer connected directly to the inputs of my Schiit Vahalla via dual male RCA connectors I found on Ebay. The Vahalla lacks pre outs however

Hi Mapman

If your looking for a piece of kit that fits the above bill you should (if you can) audition a Quad PA One headphone/preamp/USB DAC it would fit your computer audio set up excellently

Retails in the UK for £1200 new, there's a "open box" on e bay for £750 which in my eyes is excellent value for money.

Its been reviewed very favourably in both of the UKs leading hi fi magazines (HI FI World and HI FI News)

I don't know of its availability in the US but it has transformed my headphone listening.  I use it with Seinnheiser 800s and Audio Technica W5000s.  I also own the considerably more expensive Bryston Headphone amp and the little Quad kicks its Butt

