How long do high quality speakers "last"

I am the original owner of a pair of ProAc Response 2 speakers. They are almost 7 years old, but have never been driven excessively hard. How long (i.e. useful lifespan in years) can I expect these speakers to "last" (i.e. no significant sonic degradation) if I care for them carefully? When they do start to degrade, what mechanical failures and sonic degradations can I expect to occur? Thanks in advance!!!
If you have foam surrounds on the cones, expect them to rot away eventually. Check periodically. It can be repaired. If you drive them hard with amp clipping, expect to cook a voice coil or have the coil former start to rub and buzz. A balance between amp power and speaker rating can reduce that chance. Read the instructions for your speakers. Quality speakers last for decades if used within their comfort zone. Maybe you should consider some kind of high output/efficiency speakers for just rock.
I have had one reconed. Have had some 20 years.  "Quality speakers last for decades if used within their comfort zone." I sold one pair which failed but a guy who was there told me that they were on the floor and they were bouncing up and down before they went.

7 years is just barely broken in!  Seriously, unless your drivers have foam surrounds, speakers should last a long, long time.  My Spendors have 15 years and should continue for many more.  The vintage drivers in my high-efficiency speakers date from the 1960s and 1970s, and they still sound great.  The woofers from the '60's were reconed a few years ago with NOS paper cones, but other than that everything is stock.