sub 2k phono stage

I am running a moving magnet into a sonic frontiers pre-1 P tube preamp - using the phono stage only via the tape outs into a passive preamp.  The question I have is whether a newer stand alone phono stage such as those offered by rogue, etc- new or used - would best an older unit such as this.  For those of you who are not familiar with it I believe it is on par with an audible illusions. 
I have had some very good ones but as I am downsizing my system I am going to get a Jasmine. 

Is your passive pre resistive (resistors) or is it inductor based (TVC or autoformer)? The output impedance of the phono pre (lower probably better) could be an issue depending on the design of your passive unit. If so, SS or tube units with line out transformers will provide lower source impedance to your passive pre.

My passive is a modified QED MA-34.  Running it to modified quicksilver M60 monoblocks.