remove tubes before moving cross town?

if it were under your total control, still think you need to remove tubes from the gear? (in this case, ARC Ref 150 and 5se. and the modwright CDP)

Depends.  If it was going in my car, and it would, no. :)

If you were going to have to give them to others to drive along with everything else, I would consider it.

Tubes are sturdier than you'd think though, they were flying in airplane radios long before the transistors came along. :)


Tubes are sturdier than you'd think though, they were flying in airplane radios long before the transistors came along. :)
Cars and trucks too.
Don’t think you have to remove them. I’ve driven to and from the dealer (4 hrs one way) with a pair of mono blocks in the car. Tubes in place.  No boxes BUT I did have each amp in the huge, lower half custom-fit styrofoam block they shipped in. Dealer was okay with doing it that way.