Which dac ?

I have a primaluna prologue 2 driving Omega 3xrs single driver speakers and was wondering which Dac might be good to try next. I have a benchmark dac1 pre and like it a lot but wondering what else to try. The  room is 10x11 with 8 ft cielings. I stream tidal and like simple music, acoustic guitar , female male voices and piano. Mostly listen to popular country pop etc.
thanks for you guidance !
If you are looking for a warmer/more organic sound see if the Bel Canto Dac 2 is still available @ Audiogon (used from a dealer for $275).

Suspect it would work well with your setup.

I used Bel Canto’s 1.0 & 1.1 with wide range single driver speakers and they both balanced well in regard resolution VS musicality.

Didn’t care for their later offerings (of 10 years ago mind you) as they became more detailed/colder.