Looking for an upgrate from Cronus Magnum

I live with Cronus Magnum with KT120 tube 100wpc for 2 years. I feel that it has been great for jazz, accoustic and vocal music. However I also listen to rock, pop, R&B, and movie scores. I feel the Cronus lack clarity and punch in the bottom end. My speaker is Salk HT2-TL 87dB efficiency 4ohm impedance.

I am considering the following options with a budget $3500. What is your opinion? If plan B is the better route, which integrated amp you suggest? My speaker is a bit cold and analytic, i want to add some warmth to it. Thanks.

Change the preamp and driver tubes on the Cronus. Cost about $300. Could enhance the clarity over the stock JJ12AU7. But bottom end would still lacking. Get a subwoofer for bottomend $1500

Replace Cronus with one of these SS used:
Krell Vanguard
Pass INT150
ModWright KWI200
MF M6si
Parasound HINT

Current system:
Salksound HT2-TL speaker
Cronus Magnum integrated amplifier
Oppo 105
Morrow Audio MA3 Interconnect and SP2 speaker cables

Hegel integrated power and sweetest.
Best I ever tried from the H80 to H360 all awesome.
I am not sure that the problem here falls into tube/ss dilemma, in a strict sense of it. Yes, amp/speaker match etc., of course. Really good tube amp will give you great drive and bass with many speakers. Rogue is an audiophile value company, the expectations should be realistic. At this price level, yeah, I think the OP would prefer hybrid or ss. That's why someone said not to bother with tube rolling. Tube Rogue integrated is not up to the task with these speakers with any tubes. No tubes can compensate for class, class that the Rogue does not have.
I have a Rogue Audio Pharaoh that I have to put up on the site if you are interested. I had the Cronus Magnum and upgraded to the Pharaoh. The first thing I noticed was the increase in the bottom end. 
Thank you everyone for the responses! I got in touch with a local audio shop which have used Pass INT150, ModWright KWI200 and Primaluna HP integrated. I am planning to bring my Cronus Magnum to the shop to compare with these amps. My problem is not only lack of bottom end, but when listen to rock music or any modern song with mutiple instruments, it lacks of clarity and seperation. I read from somewhere it is typical from tube amplifier, lack of air and not clean like SS.
I just upgraded from Cronus for the same reasons. After playing with various 12au7s,
I got more bass out and gained more staging but lost on clarity, there is always some trade off. For me it just lacked detail with music that is more busy, classical, rock and lacked the lower bass for electronic. So to compensate for detail I would play it louder and that's when it really lacked the oomph and seemed to get congested. I went with bmc cs2. Right away the sheer power and control had me sold. The amp has grip on speakers at all time. Don't see a need for a sub.