Looking for an upgrate from Cronus Magnum

I live with Cronus Magnum with KT120 tube 100wpc for 2 years. I feel that it has been great for jazz, accoustic and vocal music. However I also listen to rock, pop, R&B, and movie scores. I feel the Cronus lack clarity and punch in the bottom end. My speaker is Salk HT2-TL 87dB efficiency 4ohm impedance.

I am considering the following options with a budget $3500. What is your opinion? If plan B is the better route, which integrated amp you suggest? My speaker is a bit cold and analytic, i want to add some warmth to it. Thanks.

Change the preamp and driver tubes on the Cronus. Cost about $300. Could enhance the clarity over the stock JJ12AU7. But bottom end would still lacking. Get a subwoofer for bottomend $1500

Replace Cronus with one of these SS used:
Krell Vanguard
Pass INT150
ModWright KWI200
MF M6si
Parasound HINT

Current system:
Salksound HT2-TL speaker
Cronus Magnum integrated amplifier
Oppo 105
Morrow Audio MA3 Interconnect and SP2 speaker cables

What you’ve just described and experienced is the unquestionable result of a "higher" quality tube power amplifier. The additional 20 pounds and 2000.00 dollars certainly suggest bigger and better output transformers and power supply. I’m not surprised that sonic performance improved across the board. The watts rating can be deceiving, overall power supply quality is more relevant. Were you able to do comparisons to the solid state  Pass integrated and  Mod wright amplifiers?
Charles1dad, yes I did but not with the same speaker unfortunately. The Primaluna was with Sonus Faber and another shop had the Kef R900 both were excellent. Sonus Faber standout in vocal and accoustic songs but not as good in rock songs compare to Kef or my Ht2-TL. I can live happily with the Kef combo as well. However, they were not auditioned in the same room or settings so it was not fair to compare. I also auditioned a Parasound INT, the ModWright, Pass INT but all with different speakers, B&W. Golden Ear. The SS amps all have tighter bass than the primaluna, but to my ear, primaluna leads on everything else. The sounds is more warm and emotional, and fuller body yet details still retained. Considering my speaker is on the neutral side and not warm, also my music taste is so wide, I decided the Primaluna is more suitable for me. Another pro for Primaluna is it has the option to use KT150 for even tighter bass but the con is it has 8 power tubes so I will need to pay about $800 to change the EL34 to KT150 or $400 to KT120. I decided to stick with EL34 for now. It is already excellent now with the original EL34 and less than 100 hours so it may get better after open-up. Tube rolling will be my next year project. :) Very happy for now!
I forgot to mention. I also auditioned a Krell s550 with a Kef R500 and Kef LS50. It was pretty bad and sounded harsh with the LS50 when I play rock songs, but vocal was ok. With R500 it was sweet sound and extremely clean/quiet, but a little bit lean to my taste. I just prefer fuller sound, feel more emotions in it.
When you describe the Primaluna as providing more warmth,  emotional connection and fuller sound then you’ve made the right choice. These are the qualities that will keep you very happy for the long term. Congratulations!