Best Small Floorstanding Speaker under $2K

What is everyone's opinion? 

I really like the idea of Zu's Omen and Soul but they do seem a little bigger than I would like.

I am not a bass-head so I don't need the deeper, stronger, bass that a larger speaker provides.

I love the simplicity of having a couple of tower speakers as opposed to a 2.1 setup.
As one who has owned quite a few "small" floorstand speakers, including many mentioned so far, my favorite now is the PSB Synchrony Two tower. Very natural presentation with deep, clean bass, and a small footprint.
This choice surprises me as I've always gravitated to the more esoteric brands, and PSB certainly is not esoteric. If I never change speakers again (not likely) I'll be totally happy.
Thanks brimel1974.

Your amp puts out a respectable 125 wpc into 8, 200 wpc into 4 ohms and should have no problem driving most of the speakers recommended.  It also has a Class D power amplifier which many consider bright and I tend to agree.  So look at a warmer speaker that should compliment this amp design.

Suggest you try and hear the Vienna Acoustics Bach Grands.  Small footprint, warm and musical, smooth treble and outstanding bass from its 7" woofer.  Viennas are often paired with Primare amps that are also Class D with great results.  Highly recommended!
Vienna sounds nice and warm. Also, there is Dynaudio Contour here on Audiogon. Yes, it is close to $3k and Dynaudio likes power. Vienna should be warmer and Dynaudio more balanced and dynamic but not cold.

Well,  I guess that I really don't expect you to bite on these, but I'd be doing a dis service not to mention them.... These are a DIY speaker. They were designed by Jay Kim.  I have built a design of his.  Jay has won many design competitions and his stuff regularly beats out $10,000 retail speakers.... This design is first rate.  It uses very good parts, it has very low distortion drivers, it will produce a surprising amount of bass and this set is voiced to be smooth and accurate with excellent detail.... You guys that know me, Know that I'm a straight shooter.  I have no idea who this ebay seller is,  but for anyone that has a $2000 budget,  these are a no brainer.  They will Like 100 watts per channel or more,  they are an easy to handle 4 ohm load. They are reasonably well impedance compensated and the tweeter has a natural peak that has been dealt with, they are near ruler flat.... phasing is also quite good on these, many tube amps with decent power could drive them .  I don't know the seller in any way shape or form... I've seen these speakers since Jay introduced them in 2008. DIY parts cost alone is over $1000 without this persons labor.  I've considered building them in the past and have looked deeply into the parts selection and crossover design...
