Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Good info, Kingrex.  Thanks!

BTW, although it undoubtedly has no relevance in the case of your Mate, I'll mention that according to a communication I had with Alan Langford of DEQX last year, incorporation of Larry's mods into a unit that is under factory warranty will invalidate that warranty.

Best of luck as you proceed.  Regards,
-- Al
Kingrex here again.  Some more insight if I may ask.  I am interested in experiences with people using their unit as SPDIF in and SPDIF out to the DAC.  For a very reasonable price I can get my Mate upgraded to process the signal in the digital domain only and it should have the same sonic quality as the higher level models.    I am interested in what others have experienced with tonal shifts when installed this way.  I currently have a First Sound Preamp and Transition Audio Monoblocks.  My gear is all tube and has a lot of harmonic warmth and richness.  My system is not designed to be high in analytical clarity.  Its all about a big warm engaging blanket of good clean sound.  In others experience, if you are using tube equipment, did you feel you lost any of the warmth and harmonics, or was it so transparent nothing changed when in bypass as compared with physically pulling the unit out of the signal path.  You know, compare the tone with the DEQX in the system, in bypass, then take it completely out.    Once again this would be with digital in and out only.  Thanks for any input.
I'd be very curious to hear about other folks who are using the digital output too, and curious to hear what DACs seem just comparable to DEQX (similar sound or a sideways move), and those that are a big upgrade over the DEQX internal DAC. 

As some of you may have seen, John Darko is doing a multipart review of the DEQX Premate+.

Part 1 (with popular KEF LS50):

Part 2 (with ELAC B6):

One more part (on room correction with LS50) to come. 

I'd asked Darko to comment on the DEQX DAC quality compared to others he's tried or has in house, but he said that it wasn't likely that he'd do that as part of these reviews. He chose to focus on the speaker and room correction functionality. 
Hi all,

I recently became interested in DEQX and discovered this epic thread.  I read through most of it and it has been very helpful.  I am seriously considering an HDP-5.  The weak links in my system are my Oppo BDP105 which I use as my DAC and a dbx 223 crossover that I use with my JL f113 sub.  I've been considering upgrading both the DAC and crossover and in a discussion about DIY speakers, a knowledgeable friend mentioned DEQX.  

I am a pretty knowledgeable audiophile, but I had not heard of DEQX.  It is a revelation!  I immediately realized that not only is the HDP-5 an upgrade on my Oppo as a DAC and a vastly superior crossover, but it can also replace my preamp (offsetting about half the cost of the HDP-5) and adds amazing time and room correction -both of which should be highly beneficial to the challenging sub integration process.  What an incredible machine.  

Then there is the icing on the cake.  I just discovered that the HDP-5 supports the incredible Roon server on board, without a PC and USB!  This is a terrific feature.

My one concern remains putting my signal though digital processing, although most everything I've read indicates this is a non issue.   My only other concern is the lack of home theater prepro passthru.   I run a hybrid system and frequently switch between 2 channel and surround.  Any suggestions on how I can best create a passthru set up with the HDP-5?   Thanks!