Bi-amping Rules

I wasn't sure if this question belongs in the amp or the speaker section but I figured I'll post it here. Those of you who have bi-amped your speakers, what's the general rule for deciding which amplifiers are better for low frequency vs. the high frequency drivers. I recognize an accurate answer will depend on the particular speakers and amp combinations but I'm looking for general rules of thumb from personal experiences and not application specific recommendations. For the sake of the argument, let's assume the amps are different but the gains on both amps can be adjusted if that matters. Thanks.
For me..... low end must have high damping factor, tubes on highs SS on bottom and yes tramping is even beter. I've even heard quad and more amping. Basically I feel it about control.
Let's leave PA-systems out of the discussion. In them you want efficiency and the most bang for the buck at the least weight to haul around. You also have a brain behind the console to tweak the sound as he pleases and the music is produced rather than reproduced so there is no original to compare with. That is not to say that you don't need good sounding amps etc to get the venue rockin' and a satisfied audience that leaves saying that the sound system was the best they had ever heard...

Can you use different amps for hi/lo in a HiFi-system? Yes! But I recommend using similar amps. I used Nakamichi N620+N420+EC100 for many years and the sound was very balanced. Of course this configuration was intended by the manufacturer. My guess is that eg Linn LK140+LK85 would perform even better as they are also two versions of the same series of amps but with different power ratings.

If your speakers are simple 2-way with just a coil and a capacitor for filtering my recommendation is using two identical stereo-amps with one placed behind each speaker and low level passive x-overs that only employs 2 resistors and 2 capacitors for each channel. This is very simple, keeps the speaker cables short and leaves most of the PSU in the amps available for the woofers.

If the speakers have complex filters they usually not only divides the range and adjust levels but also includes phase correction components that may require some kind of delay line in the active x-over and you are in for a big challenge...
I prefer two identical amps and preamps. This way, I can adjust the bass or recordings lacking such. I tried alternate ideas, but there is a tradeoff with phasing. 
I bi-amp with two identical amps, and I mean identical.  Despite being about 25 years old they are 5 numbers apart (serial number) built on the same day, same shift, same parts bins.  One amp runs the left speaker and one the right.  The left channel of each drives the woofer module and the right the electrostatic panel of a very power hungry vintage pair of Acoustats. 
@danvignau I suggest using an EQ instead of touching the filter levels. Behringer have one that is digitally controlled 1/3 octave where you can save settings and recall them anytime you like and they are not very expensive. For normal use you will just of course leave it in "By-Pass" and if you want to keep it completely out of the signal chain simply connect it to the Tape Monitor Loop of the Pre-amp.

Good recordings does not in general need any altering but eg an old VHS- or cassette-tape might benefit a lot from some tweaking/restoration. You might also like to call it a REMASTERING and there is NOTHING WRONG with trying to get the most out of a crappy recording using whatever apparatus you like! Including EQ, Noise Reduction, Expanders or Sonic Enhancers etc... It is not "puristic" but it might sound a h_ll of a lot better and if that is the only recording you have there is NOTHING WRONG with trying to restore it "to its former glory" using what ever means you have available!

BUT: Don't touch the filters! They are part of the Amp-Speaker combination and should NEVER be changed once they are properly aligned! Of course that is just my humble opinion and you are of course free to turn any knob you want... :-)

@midareff1 I agree 100%! Two identical stereo-amps with one for each channel is DEFINITELY the best way to go when Bi-Amping...