Help choose best amp/preamp combo?

Hi there
I am new to audio forum.Helo every one here can help me.I do build a 2 channel stereo with JBL is my system :Parasound a21 amp + Emotiva xsp1(gen 2)+ pair of B&W 805 Nautilus.To be honest, I do loved the sound system very clear and crisp on high and midrange with powerful bass tights.but it is LACKing of Warm sound.I do loved the warm sound is top priority.couple months ago I do have Rotel 1095 amp pair with Rotel rsp1570 + b&w cdm1 Nt sound is clear crisp and WARMER but sound is THIN compare to Parasound.but Rotel sound is warm which I like much.I also heard that Parasound a21 is warm sound too.but in my taste it is question is the amp do produce a warm sound or Pre-amp produce a warm sound or the speaker do make the sound warm?I am confused and I want change my system to Rotel rb1582mk2 + Rotel rc1580 pre-amp because I heard that B&W speaker and Rotel is relate to each other and their product is matching together in sound.especially BW speakers is sound good with Rotel this true.and how you guy advised me to keep Parasound a21 and changing Pre-amp to either Parasound P5 or Rotel rc1580? Or go full system with Rotel like Rotel rb1582mk2 + Rotel rc1580?I am confused now and need your help.Thank You in advance.
Thank You for your good advised Auxinput & Andrei_NZ I will listen to two of you guy by keeping A21 and Just found a good deal on JC2 for 2060 used.the Jc2 will deliver on this Friday.I will test it and let you guy know the result.Thanks again
Now I have Rotel RB1582MK2 just bought and not test yet.and my Emotiva Xsp1 gen 2 need to get rid.1582 mk2 is 4 months old and  Emotiva xsp1 is two months old.Any one need it just shoot me email Thank you you guy
Hi luckyrainbow.  I have the B&W 805 Diamonds and they are excellent.  They are very warm and full bodied.  Also, a lot of bass for such a small speaker!

I would be interested to see what you think of the Rotel rb1582.  The Rotel equipment is like an Emotiva that has higher quality components (capacitors, op amps, etc.). I suspect that the Parasound A21 is going to sound warmer then the Rotel because the FET input stage is fully Class A and the output stag is biased into Class A for the first 8 watts.  The Rotel is only Class AB.  THe Parasound also has bigger power supply.
I just hook up a21 to jc2. I don"t know some thing wrong on it.I hear the huge bass from sub coming out and sound from both BW 805 so small like sound sinking? I hook up sub cable to rec out on rear Uc 2 is this wrong? Some one help pleasant.
I did fixed the problem by adjust the "gain knob" from rear a21 to 12 o'clock and sound back to normal but bass still powerful. I have to adjust the knob from sub to 9 instead of 12 like normal from xsp1.