
I am new to forum and I see many comments for and against McIntosh gear.  I have 2 systems with MC2105 and MC2205 SS amps running Monitor Audio GS60 and PL200 speakers respectively. They sure sound sweet to me and I have no desire to change.  But never say never, so is there anyone out there who had this vintage Mac SS product, thought it was great but then actually did side by side comparison with other SS amps, Bryston, etc and concluded they were wrong and the non Mac is just so much better.  I have not done the side by side.  Thanks much. 
On a different note (no pun intended), deceased now for 25 some odd years is an old friend of mine - Eddie Layton. He was the organist for the NY Yankees and a musician in his own right. His audio equipment consisted of nothing but McIntosh - and within McIntosh whatever was their top-of-the-line at the time he had to have it :)

There was a time when I would have loved to have owned a great piece or two of McIntosh gear; I am a sucker for those glowing meters. Even more than McIntosh, I lust the look and build of Accuphase components. And tomorrow, my Accuphase E-470 gets delivered! A dream come true. I've heard people say that Accuphase is the Japanese McIntosh. I, for one, would much rather have a well executed FULL function integrated amp or preamp than a 'minimalist' design and that's another reason why I have always admired McIntosh.
I always thought the McIntosh reputation was with their tube amps, the MC 60 and later MC 275.

The McIntosh Autoformers have been discussed ad nauseam in many audiofile sites. Whomever says it does not make sense should first educate themselves on why their designers chose this design option before making comments. If they didn’t make sense, I have no doubt that McIntosh could easily do what most everyone else does and get rid of all the (unnecessary) complexity and weight and make more money all at the same time.