I can't play a recording all the way through

So when does this end? I've got a new system, a lot of new music from DSD to FLAC to favorite old mp3s. So my problem is that I'm trying to both enjoy the new system yet, giddy as a schoolboy, listen for the quality differences. It's been three weeks and I just keep bouncing all over my library. 
I have learned that there is absolutely a difference in the very high DSD recordings. Less noise, more separation and more immediate sound. Also was impressed by the very high 320mhz mp3s. Not in the same sense as the DSD or FLAC but for the portion of my library that will never be HD, not bad. 

I find that a little alcohol helps. Seriously. If I find myself not enjoying the music it usually means I'm listening to the equipment instead of the performance. Particularly if I have some new component that I'm trying to get used to. A nice drink or two will shift me into music enjoyment mode. Also try to actually make time to listen to music. Don't make it part of your multi tasking routine. Set aside some time with no distractions when your not in a rush so you can relax and really get into the performance.

If none of that works then get a turntable and try analog as cousinbillyl hinted at. You may just be surprised.
Wow, this is a major problem! You must force yourself to listen all the way through! Or else you're not doing audiophilia properly by "listening to the music". LOL 

Ah, the affliction of the young. Also perhaps an indictment of the new singles driven music scene. 

Have you ever seen a kid on Christmas morning who has found too many toys under the tree. They flit from one to the other never spending time with any one particular toy. When I was young, we'd get a single toy and the rest were practical items (clothes etc.) and we played with that toy and loved it all the time. I still have some of them 50 years on as I view them with great affection.

One the one hand, the availability of music today is astounding but, the smorgasbord of music out there has killed focus and the love of music in general. When you have that much, nothing is special and definitely so when you're talking downloads - music has become ephemeral. A throwaway commodity to be consumed while doing something else. Others are spot on here. Find a few recordings and obsess about them before moving to the next. You may find with time, you learn to love music. That's why I prefer LP's. Their physical nature demands that you sit and listen.
Lol, OP here. 
True. I'm a very young 60.
True. I really really do love my music new and old.
True. With this new system I am hearing the music "that I really really love" better than I've ever heard it before. 
True. I want to hear my entire collection at once. 
I think that is my problem. So once I get all the way through sampling the few hundred songs /albums once, my curse will be over and I can just play for the music again. And I hope it doesn't take me 15 years. I would like to enjoy them before I'm 75. 

LOL!!! It's always dangerous to assume isn't it. I've heard your comments from a few twenty somethings and I leapt to....well you know.  In a way, I have the same problem but with LP's which now number in excess of 20,000. Picking my daily records for listening is daunting. Sobering is the thought I'll never hear all of them once again in the number of years I have left (63 yrs young).