Is the moscode 600 a great amplifier?

Hi there,

I'm planing to buy a Moscode 600 power amp. I found a lot of reviews on the web, but they're quite mixed: some are lukewarm if not bad (a reviewer said it's a "low" fi!!), others are nice.
Anyone can tell me his experience with this special amp? In particular, does it really match well with inefficient speakers?


Its a great amp.
I have Martin Logan Prodigy as well .I was under powering them with 80 wpc Luxman and they sounded great(but now I know bass light).
After blowing up the Luxman 3 times I figured I need to get more power.
Saw the 600 Moscode used and took a chance.
It sounded bad with my SS Yamaha phono preamp highly regarded .
Put in the Moscode Minuet in A preamp and wow sounds good.
After tweaking with nos Mullard 12ax7s and 6dj8s in the pre .
NOS Amperex BBs in the amp.
I have live music in my living room.
I go to a lot of live jazz venues and my living room now sounds better than live.
My quest is satiated.But being a tweeker Ill still try to improve it 0.01%.
But if you are wondering how a Moscode 600 and Moscode Minuet In A sound with Martin Logan Prodigy .
Its better than live venues.
Mosfet mist is defined as the veiling of the highs. However when Mosfets are employed in a well engineered product they are extremely good sounding.

Does anyone know what I can buy a cage for a 600 I've just seen one online for sale..its modded but doesn't have a i'm in two minds as to buy it or just wait for another one to show up with a cage..he also wants $995...which I think might be a little too high with out the cage

Any advice or info would be much appreciated!