Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...

I would be grateful to hear any listening impressions from those of you who will be lucky enough to hear the NL14+ amps at CES or who have heard them previously. In particular if you already own an NL 10.1 or NL 12.1 and hear the 14s and are thinking of upgrading, please let me know as well. Thank you!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I do but have been using an Esoteric A-02 stereo amp for a while now; it mates even better with my pre-amp and the Wavelet RoomEQ device. It's giving me even more magic in the mids and highs than I've ever had before. There is something to be said for system synergy for sure......the Maker is a fine piece and may wind up in another system in the house very soon!

I see you've got yours up for sale; what are you moving to (if anything)?
Don't know yet. Buying Spatial M2 S speakers so might just keep the amp as very few buyers out there that know how good this amp is.
Best of luck with all is a fine amp so it's a great idea to see how it mates with your new speakers, etc....for me with the Aeris and the processor, the A-02 was a better match overall, not for anything lacking in the NL14 amp by any means but simply in the overall synergy of the A-02's sound putting more tube-like characteristics into the audio chain right before the speakers and their processor.  For my ears and what I'm looking for, a better combination, nothing more...
I am not going to sell them now. Not going to give them away!! I have VC through the Phasure NOS1 XXHE software but might try a tube pre map to see what happens.

Getting these speaker instead of the Spatial

Trio15 Voxativ, Open Baffle Speakers