Active studio monitors anyone?

Due to the unavailability of a full size Man Room and a sub par Living Room area I have started to seriously consider Active Studio Monitors as my listening room will be in a converted Office that are so prevalent in the newer Suburban House Floorplan.  There seems to be MANY benefits in going active monitors set up in the near field to mid field. Active DSP, No passive crossovers, Plenty of room acoustic adjustments, some with onboard DACS, Some full digital domain till it reaches the drivers, Near full range And ruler flat responses. I have narrowed it down to a few that fit my needs and would greatly reduce the boxes and expense. A good streamer, optional DAC and Pre with active monitors would be the whole kit.

One Im looking at are APS Klasik which will be coming out with a HiFi model of the Klasik Studio Monitor differing by a vinyl or wood wrap of your choice, stand by power on/off, and Grill covers. This is highly regarded for Mixing and MAstering it also looks more like a hifi speaker than a monitor.

Nubert Nupro A300 which look great and is fully digital to the drivers so a high end streamer and the speakers would be the whole system. 

A few from Focal and Dynaudio 

Presonus Sceptre s8 has a great DSP and a Coaxial.

These are just the highly regarded less than 2K offerings and many like the EVENT OPAL, Focal Trio, neumans, ATC and Geithain would be something to look at on the high end if it really works out and even those would be bargains considering how much you would be saving in amps, high end cables, ect.
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A note of caution. As mentioned, studio monitors tend to be holographic and attention commanding, and perhaps aren't the best for background listening. Moreover, a system like the PSI will tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the sound. By design, you will hear everything about your system and your source recording, the spectacular, the mediocre and the ugly. It won't put powder and lipstick on anything, but natural beauty will shine through like nothing else.
For many reasons, I've been forced to shoehorn my audio habit into my home office, which for the past 10+ years meant a 2.1 system of active desktop speakers + sub (originally NHT M-00's + S-00 sub). Early this year I decided to move up, and after a lot of searching, chose the Swan Audio HiVi M200MkIIIs (still running w/NHT S-00 sub). I am extremely happy with the Swans. No, they're not certified high-end, but they're also not cold, analytical studio monitors. They actually make music, and have shown they can scale up to match increasingly high-quality/resolution sources. In a couple months I'll complete the system upgrade by replacing the NHT sub w/an SVS SB1000 and adding a Marchand active crossover to steer signal to the Swans vs sub.

BTW, I looked at Focals & Dynaudios, but don't have the budget or space on desktop for those. I'm very interested in the Adam 7X monitors, based solely on what I've read, but that interest will likely remain academic for several years at least--the Swans are very satisfying, particularly w/low bass filled in by a competent sub.

Active speakers totally work for me.
lp2cd -- I have non-jewish friends who believe quality is always a bargain. Unbelievable.
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