Is Audio nirvana real?

I think it is.  I m finally happy with my system! I'm done!
calvinj OP
1,052 posts
09-04-2016 9:54pm
Ask a question openly and I get some honest answers from real audiophiles. Then...... As usual we get the same people with the same comedy skits and negativity. Lol. I would tell you to go away but you don't have anywhere to go or do so enjoy it while you can.

And what question was that you're referring to, pray tell? And what honest answers are you referring to? 

To everyone else. There is some really good equipment and knowledgeable people out here. Some of the tweaks don't cost anything or cost very little. Get your system to,a,point where you are happy and enjoy!
I'm currently listening to my gato fm6  and a kr audio va 900 integrated tube amplifier with a Parasound cd1 CD player  and clarity cable vortex power cords. I'm using a clarity cable organic interconnect and atlas Mavros speaker cables. I'm running a high fidelity mc6 power conditioner. I'm listening to the Amina Figueroa Sextext 12 album. I cranked it up and I'm in ear candy happiness.  I give it my friend Charles he ran a system similar to mines. He found the speakers and integrated. God Bless his soul.  I'm all about everyone enjoying their  system.  This has been a long 6 years for me. I went through 20 years of audio in 6 years. Lol. It was an expensive journey for me.  However, I'm in a real good place. Thank you Bob Spence of Affirm Audio and Rick Schultz over at  High Fidelity. My audio Super Friends.  My friend Bill Smith found the Parasound Cd1. These are all great guys and audio nuts! Enjoy your music everyone. Happy ears right now!

...I'll take my laugh track elsewhere, if the leaden hint is aimed my way.  But it's either Nirvana or Purgatory, aka The Endless Hunt.  Do whatcha do or need to...