Tinnitus and its affect on listening enjoyment

Over several years reading in these forums I've learned that many of us have varying degrees of hearing problems. Age related loss of upper frequencies seems the most common which I've attempted to address using quality EQ's and hearing aids. I still use an EQ (Behringer Ultracurve 2496) but I do not like the hearing aids so have returned them. Even without the EQ, though, I can still very much enjoy my music unaided as long as I'm careful with my source selections. 

To the subject of tinnitus,  I've always viewed it as an annoyance and very little else. However, the more I think about the reason I'm finding some upper middle frequencies harsh and uncomfortable may have less to do with my equipment and more to do with dissonance between the "ringing" frequency(ies) and those associated with the music. I suspect, because my ringing is quite loud, that there must be an element, at least, of this suspected phenomenon.

If this speculation is correct, the bad thing is that, to my knowledge, there is no fix for this issue of tinnitus; on the positive side, there being no solution, I can submit to it, relax, and simply continue to be selective in my music choices. 

I had similar thoughts on "midrange glare".  In the end the answer was wire and tube choice.  The interesting thing to me was that adjusting the midrange level on the speaker did not help.  Adjusting the tweeter level had a huge affect on the "midrange" glare (Vandersteen 3A Sig).
Boy do I agree with you regarding the use of hearing aids.   I was told the reason that they are so bad is not necessarily the amp or speaker section, but the microphone.  No one can manufacture a high quality mic ...they go from about 150 or so to 4 or 5000.  Not high fidelity by any means.  Also age related hearing loss is in the high mids...not the extremes...which make matters worse for hearing aids.