Calling all room treatment type specialists...

I bought one of those great Maxell Tape commercial posters...remember the guy sitting in his chair with the speakers seemingly blowing in his face.  Well, I don't want to put up a standard glass/plastic frame, because I think it would look a little cheesy in my room, AND b/c I don't want a hard reflective surface in the general area where the picture would. 

I would like to consider whether that poster can be adhered to a material that in turn is the top of a sound absorption panel.  I've been making my own absorbers for years with Roxul, wood framing, and the covering material of my choice (easily passes air through the fabric).  But what if I try to adhere that great poster to the face of the panel?  My limited understanding says it will reflect higher frequencies, and allow lower frequencies to pass through.  Perfect.

Any thoughts on whether the poster will be more reflective than absorptive? And what would you use to adhere the poster.  Spray on adhesive, maybe? 

So, I went the easy route.  After a quick study online, I headed down to my local art supply and bought a 3x5 foot panel of 1/2 inch black foam board ($12) and a can of spray adhesive (appropriate for photo paper $7).  Laid everything out on a flat area.  Rolled the poster up on a 2 inch round sleeve.  Sprayed the whole board and let it set for about a minute.  Started unrolling and used a plastic spreader knife (4 inches wide) and went to work unrolling and pushing out the bubbles.  I trimmed the excess board away and hung it on my wall with 2-sided tape.  Perfect!?  Well, not quite.  My wife was the first to notice that the direction of the apparent sound on the photo was opposite the sound coming from my speakers.  Could have put it on the opposite wall and fixed that, but a pesky thermostat complicated that idea.  Oh well.  But it looks great, and I'll get to enjoy it tonight when my buddy comes over for a listening session.  May have to turn it up a little extra loud tonight to get the full effect!

Thanks for all the input. 
 i know you went a different route but
x2 with eric send a high quality pic to gik and have them print it on a panel and i highly suggest room treatment ,it has helped me immensly
It takes some skill working with spray-mount. Glad it worked out for you.
(Keep the humidity out of the room).