Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro

I'm interested in purchasing a new AV pre-pro to replace my aging Outlaw 990. My speakers consist of the Focal 1027be, 1007be and cc1000be. My Simaudio I-7 is used for both 2 channel and also drives the front channels in 5.1. I have an Outlaw 7500 driving the center channel and rear speakers. I plan to use 5.1 analog outputs from the Oppo 95 into the processor and the hdmi directly into the tv so I'm not concerned about video processing. I also have the SB Touch with the W4S Dac 1 for 2 channel into the Sim, but I would also like to run a digital cable from the Touch into the AV processor for 5.1 sound. The processor should be comparable with the rest of the system.
Malon, I also believe in synergy among components and with cables but the problem is trial and error. It gets quite expensive buying and selling components and hoping it will sound best in your system. I happen to like the sound of the Sim I-7 and the Focal speakers in 2 channel. Unfortunately the Sim av-pro and 5 channel amps are over my budget. That is why I looking for components that are comparable to the Sim but not the cost.
Due to an unexpected home repair this past weekend I was able to place the purchased of the SSP-600 on hold. In the mean time I wondering if anyone has played digital files thru the 600 and how it sounds in 2 channel.
Malon's comments on Marantz beign better than Cary is BS. he does not have high end enough of associated equipment to discern the difference. I have very high end system and using Cary Cinema 12 that i just took delivery of 12/9/11 and it blows away the Krell HTS 7.1 that I compared and sold. I haven't noticed any bugs many of which has been reported with Cinema 11a. See my comments on avsforum under Cary Cinema 12 processor that list my associated equipment.
To some of the previous points about comparison, I've been to many shops where they dealer dumps on another brand but doesn't and hasn't sold that brand. It's indeed getting difficult to make side by side. If you have a few dealers in your area, take home comparable models on a weekend and compare in your home setup. That's the best way.