Can someone recommend a few Joni Michell albums?

Can someone recommend me a few Joni Michell album to get? Since she has made so many albums in the past it seems impossible from where to start? Even a few words regarding the recommended albums are most welcome.... your help is most appreciated. Thank you.
One idea is to start at the beginning - Song to a Seagull.  Just Joni and her guitar.  Unfortunately, it's poorly recorded, but - in many ways - it's the most essential record she's made.  Blue, Hejira and Court, and Spark are all great, too.
Indeed Song to a Seagull is wonderful music. Agree with Martykl on the sound quality. We can blame David Crosby for that (-: If forced to live with only 3, I would likely chose Ladies, For the Roses, and Hejira. But I'm glad I get to keep Blue, Seagull, and Court. As much as I like all of these, I am sitting on a sealed copy of Hissing that I haven't opened for years. I can be strange like that.
She really has a great body of work. If we stick we the original question, it's got to be Blue,  then  Court & Spark as two starters.
The passion from so many here on a variety of LPs says much about her depth as an artist. There aren't too many artists who have passionate fans of what others might call her 10th or 11th best album! She is absolutely a benchmark in female vocals, folk, rock & jazz. Cheers,