Best new 70" to 80" display

Any new displays in the workings. I know that the new Elite is out there and perhaps a little pricy because it is new. I also know there will be a high end big screen comparison next weekend, 10-9.Still, I am always wondering what is on the way and how soon? I am in the market, but willing to wait for the real deal. Thanks
Pinto 72
Not much in that range.

Sharp has their 70" LCD, and the new 'Elite' version for like four times the cost, then you have Mitsubishi with RPTV up to 90". Panasonic pro plasmas come in an 80" version but also pretty price ($20k I think)
Sorry to sound like a broken record but "Best" is in the eye/ear of the beholder. There is no definitive "best" anything, it's all subjective. When you ask a question like this, the answers will always be what folks think is "best" to them in their system.Their suggestions may or may not be "best" for you.
Tpreaves, if your like me, whenever you see that word it provokes that-hey wait a minute-in the back of the head. Subjectivity is a wonderful thing and I can't agree with you more.

Still, the people at the AVS forums are very comfortable using better and best maybe because visual resolution, brightness, and darkness, are visibly measurable and not simply a sonic trace on a scope. I honestly don't know. I do know they were very helpful and lead me to the purchase of my Pioneer 151 Kuro who's performance still amazes. A plasma display which seems to have been a benchmark product to this day and long after its production stopped.

Pinto, this is were you'll find much more experienced answers to your display questions and were subjectivity is less of an issue.
Saw the Pioneer Elite branded Sharp on Saturday, 70".

Pretty awesome. Don't recall if it was an LED or LCD. Not a plasma though.

