Best new 70" to 80" display

Any new displays in the workings. I know that the new Elite is out there and perhaps a little pricy because it is new. I also know there will be a high end big screen comparison next weekend, 10-9.Still, I am always wondering what is on the way and how soon? I am in the market, but willing to wait for the real deal. Thanks
Pinto 72
To my eyes, there was no comparison between the Elite and the Mits. Different technologies and different types of pictures. My preference was the Elite.
Mribob- the 80" Sharp you looked at was NOT a Pro Elite, since Elite only makes a 60 and 70. What you were looking at was just a regular Sharp TV - just to be clear.
I agree with Fplanner, but other than very expensive 3 chip front projectors, and despite the good blck levels, I've never cared for DLP.
The Pro-Elite 70" arrived yesterday. WOW!! Lots of adjustments possible to really tweak whatever kind of picture you want. Very bright, but that is easily adjusted, and nice to have it there when/if I need it. Out of the box, has a similar picture to my 46" Sony XBR-4, only bigger and more detailed. So far the TV is exactly what I'd hoped it would be. I'll probably try 3-d over the weekend.
Best of luck. I'm sure you'll get plenty of enjoyment from it. I'm envious.