Looking for a new pre-amp!!

At present I have a Belles OCM 200 Amp and looking to up grade to a better pre amp. Looking at a Adcom 565

Sunfire pre amp and Aragon 18k or 24 unit. Also thinking about the Emotiva usp 1 pre amp. I a two channel guy and looking for the best unit with a phono section and great sound.

Any ideals as to the best pick for under a 1000  dollars?


I'd go for the listed, Quicksilver, Full Function Tube Preamp w/ phono. Still one of the most versatile,w/ huge power supply, very good phono section best sounding preamps you can find for around $1000. Try changing out some of the caps for Dynacaps. Cheers.

If you're thinking about an Adcom 565 remote control must not be a concern. The 565 was ok in its day but there's so much better even in the same era. Might be just a little out of your budget but a great preamp which you'll be able to resale if you ever do so, for what you paid. Conrad Johnson PV12 with phono. Only issue is there is no remote. Heard most of the units noted on this post and I'd go for the CJ easily over them. Another great preamp in the used market but no phono section is a ModWright SWL 9.0 SE which has a very basic remote. Wonderful preamp which again you won't lose money on and they resale fast because it's a killer preamp. A lot of nice affordable outboard phono preamps out there so I wouldn't shy away from buying a line stage preamp and pick up a used Cambridge Audio 651P phono preamp or other.

Should be able to find a used Rogue Metis Magnum under a grand. I have one in my system now and love it. Best of all tube rolling can be fun. It's made in America and you can call Bill at Rogue anytime if you have a problem. 
Check out the Vincent Audio pre for sale here on AG. $475 asking price, no phono however you will have money left over for stand alone phonostage. 

Also a Quicksilver for $645. 

I am a fan of tube pre with SS amp.