Help me choosing an Integrated Amp

Hello everyone,
long time reader, first post here.
Sorry if my english is not perfect, it’s not my mother language.

Long story:

I have an electrostatic headphone system right now, because I didn’t have the necessary space to have a dedicated room for speakers, I think that the most important aspect in sound quality is room acoustics, so why spend money if I can’t have optimum acoustics? That’s why I have a headphone system right now.
But, story changes, I bought a flat last week, and will do reforms to have a listening room (6 meters x 4 meters x 2,5 meters).
My current setup is (besides modded Stax SR-007A and KGSSHV Carbon CC amplifier):

- Metrum Pavane DAC
- Custom 0db PC, Asus RT-AC88U router & MCRU linear PSU for router.
- Full Ansuz X Cable loom and Mainz X-TC.
- Furutech FWS (R) Schuko Outlet.
- Sonore MicroRendu & Sonore Signature PSU (with SR fuses)

My speakers will be Strauss Elektroakustik SE MOD 901, they’re not very well known but they’re awesome, transient response is lighting fast, almost like my Stax headphones, plus they’re super coherent, seamless. I fell in love with the speakers.
Room acoustics will be done by Strauss himself, so the last link is an integrated amplifier (for budget and price/performance reasons).
The speakers are not very sensitive, they’re rated at 85db and recommended power is 20 to 160w at 8ohm.

Due to budget reasons, I will try to buy second hand or ex-demo, so not possible to audition the amplifiers.
I don’t like tubes, for me, the ideal amp should be pure class A (if possible), dual mono, fully balanced with no negative feedback (if possible). Ideal "sound signature" would be balanced, very natural without glare, huge soundstage and details presented in a natural manner, I don’t like hyped top end, the speakers are VERY neutral and accurate, so they will expose negative qualities of the amp like a magnifying glass.
This is the list:

- Audio GD Master 10 (Class A/B, 250w at 8ohm)
- Gryphon Atilla (Class A/B, 100w at 8ohm)
- Accuphase E-600 (Class A, 30w at 8ohm)
- Pass Labs INT-30A (Class A, 30w at 8ohm)
- Electrocompaniet ECI 5 MK2 (Class A or A/B???, 120w at 8ohm)
- Ayre AX-5 Twenty (Class A/B, 125w at 8ohm)
- Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 (Class A/B, 100w at 8ohm)

I like to listen music between 70-85db (not too loud) and the room will be 24 square meters, is a 30w pure class A amp enought for the speakers or should I buy a more powerful class A/B?
Which amp is better?

Personally I am not familiar with your speakers.
That may not matter with my recommendation, as it's been similar for the past, almost 20 years. One of, if not the Best sounding electronics I've heard, is the Gryphon. It is a completely transformative amp, in that it doesn't sound like 'solid state' or 'tubes'. It is akin to music. Music so well reproduced that it becomes almost invisible. Character is on the dark side of perfectly neutral. I've compared it to the Fabulous Rowland Research, lesser McIntosh, CJ, KRELL, Plinius, Ayre, yada yada, yada. I have an ongoing love affair with this product. Now, having said that I've to heard the Audio GD Master. I hope you'll enjoy whatever you purchase. Music is too important to be dissatisfied with one's purchase. Good listening.
I left out my other choice. Valve Amplification Company.
Not knowing if tubes are an option, as for many they're not, I have to include VAC. Kevin Hayes is on another planet when it comes to design. And, he's a Good Man. His work impeccable, well thought out, and absolutely amazing sounding. He's a bonafide genius designer, the likes of Jim THIEL, Rich Vandersteen, Nelson Pass, et al. I do believe he's making the Best Tube Gear around. Just my opinion.
Again, music is one of life's most enduring pleasures.

Have you ever heard a good Class D amplifier?

If not I’d recommend considering that as an option if you want top notch sound at any volume with those inefficient speakers. Rowland and Bel Canto make excellent Class D amps.

Or if low volume is all you need for certain kinds of music requiring less power to deliver the goods, then the lower watt Class A option is a good one.

There may be more powerful Class A amps that can match the output capability of a good Class D amp but total cost of ownership will be much higher with any Class A amp especially when power bills are factored in.

Just pointing out the options. All have advantages and disadvantages. No one approach has it all but I find Class D done well to offer the fewest compromises overall, if any practically these days really. Its where things are going.

I'd expect that with a lower watt option, Class A or otherwise, you will never know what your speakers are truly capable of, if that is something that matters to you.   Everyone is different when it comes to these things.

For 85db speaker, 30w is not a good choice. From your list, I like Pass in general, but you will need a bigger one. Another brand that meets your description and is great sounding is ASR. 
Since you know the speaker designer, ask what he has heard successful with them. 
Also, VAC is great, but they are tube amps. Cheers,
Did you have price constraints?
Is there a reason you left the Pass Labs INT-60 off your list?

I think for those speakers, in that size room, 30 wpc may not be sufficient. Even Pass Labs website recommends speakers with at least 87 db sensitivity for their INT-30A.
The INT-60 still gives you almost 30 wpc of Class A power, then slides into Class AB to give you 60 wpc if needed.