Search for miracle integrated

Hello All,

I'm on a search for a very specific type of integrated. I am upgrading my system from the top of the stream down. I go all digital / Lossless quality or higher so the logical start was with the DAC. I just received my Yggdrasil which I absolutely LOVE and feel that I got a much better value than I was expecting (even with all the praise online it met and exceeded my expectations).

My quest continues with the integrated. I am looking for a company that spends very little on marketing and works to move as much of the value for the money to the product itself. Very high value is important to me, I want to get value above the price and I don't want to pay for anything I don't need (such as a built-in DAC as I already have one). The more musical and the higher the clarity the better. My short list is pretty short- the SimAudio Moon 600i and Ayre's integrated.  Some other factors are below. I typically buy new but I'm open to a good value in a used product as well.

Budget (only for the integrated): $8K+/-
Music preference: classical, light rock, pop
End speakers:  It is between Accoustic Zen Crescendo / Vandy Quatros / Wilson Sophias / Revel Salon Ultimas 
Power: 150 WPC+ into 8 ohm

Thanks akg_ca and Spencer,

Well there is a local dealer that is willing to give me a GREAT deal on Revel and Wilson is just a brand I've been able to hear multiple times so I know how they sound. I'm pretty sold on the crescendos or the Vandersteen (leaning 60% to Crescendos, 30% to Vandy, 8% to Revel and 2% to Wilson... not to get to technical lol). But yeah you are right about the speakers and I have to do more listening before I drive the decision 100%. I love the idea of transmission line and I've had a chance to hear a couple examples and was very impressed. So anyway it's basically between the Vandy's and AZs.

A couple reasons for the integrated. They seem to be a pretty good value over separates and an integrated takes up less space. I'm sharing my 20 X 15 listening room with my office (not that big of a deal but still). I also wonder if having the wiring and circuitry closer together in an integrated actually produces a better end result as there is less distance for the signal to travel. So those are the reasons. Exceptions are absolutely possible to the integrated rule :)

One other note that shouldn't play a role but does- aesthetics are very important. If I'm spending that type of money I don't want it to look like a toaster. It's picky I know but there seem to be a lot of good options that look good.

Spencer- what is ASR? I've never heard of the brand and my google search didn't help me too much.

You should look at the modular and upgradable system from Vinnie Rossi (ex red wine engineer). you add components to suit your needs. oh did I mention its a supper Capacitor fed system so the audio chain is never connected to the line voltage. take a look I've heard the LIO set up as an integrated amp and its magical.

oh you buy directly from the manufacture they don't spend huge dollars
 on advertising so all the tech is in the box so to speak.

I really like the Sophia Electric integrated. EL 34 tubes. Not the power that you would like but if you can get a speaker that doesn't use those music sucking crossovers you might be in audio heaven.