Search for miracle integrated

Hello All,

I'm on a search for a very specific type of integrated. I am upgrading my system from the top of the stream down. I go all digital / Lossless quality or higher so the logical start was with the DAC. I just received my Yggdrasil which I absolutely LOVE and feel that I got a much better value than I was expecting (even with all the praise online it met and exceeded my expectations).

My quest continues with the integrated. I am looking for a company that spends very little on marketing and works to move as much of the value for the money to the product itself. Very high value is important to me, I want to get value above the price and I don't want to pay for anything I don't need (such as a built-in DAC as I already have one). The more musical and the higher the clarity the better. My short list is pretty short- the SimAudio Moon 600i and Ayre's integrated.  Some other factors are below. I typically buy new but I'm open to a good value in a used product as well.

Budget (only for the integrated): $8K+/-
Music preference: classical, light rock, pop
End speakers:  It is between Accoustic Zen Crescendo / Vandy Quatros / Wilson Sophias / Revel Salon Ultimas 
Power: 150 WPC+ into 8 ohm

Great point simao a call to Robert Lee makes a ton of sense! 

Glad to hear that about the LIO amp, if 25 watts is enough it is definitely a great option and to be honest it is under budget which gets me to the Crescendos even faster. Thanks so much for all the input!!!
I doubt that 25 watts will be enough. Depends on the music you listen to, volume and room size. Personally, regardless of speakers I never consider anything less than 50- 60 tube watts or 75-100 solid state watts. I can easily drive my speakers with 30 solid state watts and I used to do it with 60 solid state watts. Now I have 120 watts and it is much better, you can feel the power. My listening habits, taste of music and room remain the same. Speakers are 89db, 8 ohm, two way floorstanders with 8" woofer.
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I thought about the Rangarok but there is one problem- no remote... I'm controlling the amp from my desk which is about 10 feet away so I need a remote for volume etc.

As far as going the wrong way, I've always heard if you know the end speaker, go from the top of the stream down. Right now I do think the speaker is the weakest link but if I keep trucking with the direction of the source I'm expecting the final speaker purchase will have me hearing the greatest difference... So I save the best for last That way. I think I need to audition some 25W tube amps and see how they drive harder to handle speakers. How is the bass on the LIO?