Emotiva Amps and Processor for Home Theater?

Would appreciate any feedback of Emotiva amps and processor for home theater. I was looking at receivers but, cannot find a good 5 channel receiver. It seems manufactures are just making 7 channel receivers these days. Don't need or want a 7 channel receiver. I had a NAD receiver for 8 years but that broke. I started looking into Emotiva separates, they seem to be a good value. Are they worth it? Thanks for any feedback.
I think Emotiva amplification is worth it. In a smaller HT room I use an Emotiva UPA-7 amplifier along with an Outlaw Audio 990 processor for 90% HT and the occasional concert performance. The combo does a fine job. I've had no issues with the UPA-7 whatsoever or the Outlaw.
If I'm not mistaken, you can tell any HT receiver what channels you have hooked up. Some allow the extra 2 channels to be your remote system (the porch).
IMO stay far away from the UMC-1. The thing was bug ridden and there are issues with the auto set up etc. Just read the thread on the AVS forum to see.

I've owned their amps, XPA-1's etc. Didn't care for them in 2 channel as found them to be too bright for me. If using for HT they were fine though.

Also as others said you don't have to use all 7 channels. They are just there.

If you want some good AVR's check out Pioneer Elite. The SC series is awesome and works wonderfully. Otherwise if you want to go seps, I would check out Integra or someone else besides Emo for that.