Search for miracle integrated

Hello All,

I'm on a search for a very specific type of integrated. I am upgrading my system from the top of the stream down. I go all digital / Lossless quality or higher so the logical start was with the DAC. I just received my Yggdrasil which I absolutely LOVE and feel that I got a much better value than I was expecting (even with all the praise online it met and exceeded my expectations).

My quest continues with the integrated. I am looking for a company that spends very little on marketing and works to move as much of the value for the money to the product itself. Very high value is important to me, I want to get value above the price and I don't want to pay for anything I don't need (such as a built-in DAC as I already have one). The more musical and the higher the clarity the better. My short list is pretty short- the SimAudio Moon 600i and Ayre's integrated.  Some other factors are below. I typically buy new but I'm open to a good value in a used product as well.

Budget (only for the integrated): $8K+/-
Music preference: classical, light rock, pop
End speakers:  It is between Accoustic Zen Crescendo / Vandy Quatros / Wilson Sophias / Revel Salon Ultimas 
Power: 150 WPC+ into 8 ohm

Just utterly surprised no one has yet mentioned the LFD NCSE? It has been properly accolades as one of the purest and most liquid solid state integrated offerings regardless of price (I think it is around $6K now).

I have four different reference level systems and one of my systems has this exact integrated in it. Very pure tonality, surpasses the Pass in transparency (which I auditioned against it).

The minor issues I have with it is that it is only 70 wpc, which I think is due to the fact that it only uses one pair of output transistors per channel (which I understand, improve transparency and liquidity due using multiple pairs for more output results in smearing comparably). Also doesn't have the ultimate bass power"heft" of massive amps comparably either (what does? ).

I do think the great reviews all over the net are spot on and not hyped up fan boys. And, for $6K, it seems embarrass most stuff I've heard under $10K from any other solid state manufacturer I've experienced. 
I would give a try to NAIM Supernait 2 with an external power supply (NAIM Super Cap DR). It's 80W/channel, but runs my Sonus Faber Amati very well.
Not that you don't have enough suggestions to sort through, but Blue Circle Audio meets all your criteria. I doubt there is anything more musically complete than their integrated amps at any given price point.  

@mgmarcus  Good point. Gilbert at Blue Circle is a design genius and a powerful engineer. His FtTH2 hybrid integrated and his BC 022i integrated are superb.
Not sure how the Simaudio dropped off your list, but this is a definite must hear. I upgraded from separates to the 600i and haven't looked back. This is a great integrated and took my system to a new level from Rogue audio power and Audio Research pre.