Dipole Asymmetry

I am considering purchase of a pair of Martin Logan Summit X speakers. In my room, I am somewhat constrained for speaker placement. I could place the speakers about 3-4 feet off the front wall. My main concern is my audio rack would be placed directly behind the left speaker, while there would be nothing placed behind the right speaker. How detrimental would this asymmetry be on sound quality?

Compared to cables, fuses, etc. NOTHING measures a bigger improvement than acoustic treatment. 

Honestly though in this case the much bigger issue is putting di-poles so close to the walls. Fixing or compensating for that part first would be my first priority, second dealing with the bass response, third the rack.


Of course, there are simple things to try. I would turn my rack sideways and cover it in a courtain. :)
imgoodwithtools - look at my system page for an answer about how i feel about room acoustics .I believe room acoustics is the most important aspect in reproducing music in the home . There is no way you will here the difference with a rack behind one speaker with dipoles . 
I believe room acoustics is the most important aspect in reproducing music in the home. There is no way you will here the difference with a rack behind one speaker with dipoles.
Those two statements are in complete conflict with each other.
To not purchase dipole speakers unless you have a perfectly symmetrical back wall is the most preposterous thing i have heard . Explain the rational behind this ?
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