Favorite guitar players not named......

We all know there names Hendrix, Page, Clapton, Beck Stevie Ray. But who are your favorite guitar players that are not house hold names? Here are a few of mine not in any order.

Robert Fripp
Martin Barre
Richard Thompson
Roy Buchnan
Rory Gallagher
Mason Ruffner
Neil Young and Lindsey Buckingham know but not so much for the guitar work.
also Dave Alvin and Alvin Lee
I've got a couple of Santana CD's but I really prefer acoustic guitar.  Are any of the above named guitarists acoustic players?  I've found solo guitarists but I'd really like to find some acoustic guitarists that play with other instrumentalists.  Recommendations?
Four of my choices (John Renbourn, Richard Thompson, Tommy Emmanuel, and Lindsey Buckingham) are superior acoustic guitar players.