Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions

Hey...I'm looking for some suggestions on a system.  I have about a $4k budget and need speakers, an integrated amp, a DAC, and a bluetooth receiver.  I prefer, if possible, that the DAC have built in bluetooth...but it's not critical.

Here are the two system options I have in mind:

1) Rogue Sphinx, Arcam irDAC, GoldenEar Triton Three+


2) Peachtree Nove 150, GoldenEar Triton Three+

I'm leaning heavily towards option 2.  I will add a higher quality record player in the future, but for now I plan to use my Audio Technica that I have had for years.  The only other speakers I have seriously considered are the ELAC UniFi F5.  I'd prefer not to have to get a sub, which is one of the reasons that the Triton is appealing.

The system is just for music, and will be in a decent sized room approx 15'x30' with 7.5' ceilings.  Most of my music will be coming from Rhapsody, Pandora, ITunes, etc.  

Any thoughts on what I am looking at, or alternate suggestions?

I have a nova 150 and its a really good integrated for the money. The dac is very nice. The mm phonostage is ok. I think the elac F5 are the best $1k speakers i have heard. Doubt you'll  need a sub. 
derekbyron, like stereo5 and so many many others I too have Triton One’s. If you want more info specific to the Triton’s you could inquire at the goldenear forum. In any case, as you mention you don’t have the adequate time to audition one weekend after another, the Triton Three + would at least be a safe option. Besides the numerous satisfied GET owners, Golden Ear is top notch when it comes to customer service. So in the unlikelihood there is a problem, there is a company behind the product that will quickly do the right thing by you. And don’t let me forget to mention, they sound awesome too. Incredible overall value when you consider price to sound quality ratio; as I’m certain you’ve already read in the dozens of professional reviews.
derekbyron, an after thought..... something else for you consider given your budget.... Emotiva. For any component, in general high quality and an affordable price.
I assembled my system for around $4k and I guess it's final since it's never been upgraded since 10 years ago
Aerial 10t $1500
Sunfire 300
Empire 698/shelter 501/AT 5001 analogue
Mytek 192 DAC/preamp
Lenovo Q series mini-desktop as digital player
Mogami silver pre->amp
The rest are generic