Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?

With arrival of new SOTA TV, will be going from 99% 2-channel to 85%. For 3-d capability, my question is whether to upgrade to Integra DHC-80.3/Onkyo PR-SC5508 or to go higher up the chain. Not sure what, if anything, I will be giving up by purchasing at the $2K price point vs $5K, other than, of course, an extra $3K of expense. Also have an Oppo BDP-95 on the way for Blue-Ray/3D. Will be incorporating front speakers, preamp and amps from 2-channel into the HT system.

Thanks for any help.
Mfs, that's a question of interest to me as well. Kal seems to have dropped this thread or he is preoccupied. An 80.2/3 would simplify my setup. I supplement a Cary 11a with a DVDO Edge for video processing and a Velodyne SMS-1 for bass managing a pair of HGS-15 subs. An 80.2/3 could do all those functions IF it sounded as good as the Cary 11a, but that's a big if I'd like answered.

I wish there were a way to try an 80.2/3 in my setup before I buy aside from the hassle of the buy, try, then sell route that some Audiogon posters seem to use.

To be honest, I have no idea how the 2-channel from my 80.2 sounds. I also have no desire to try it, unless it would help you guys out, but then again it gets very subjective, so not sure it would do any good.

The obvious answer is that it would depend upon what you were comparing it to. My 2-channel set-up is pretty world-class, so the 80.2 was never going to do anything but movies, which is really excels at. The presence of 32-bit DACs in the 80.2 could give your Cary 11a a tough time. I think the new 12 has 32bit DACs, but not the 11. Yes, they do make an audible difference, at least to me.
That's interesting. I just got rid of a Cary 11 (not an 11A) which to me was wonderful in 2 channel. I too am wondering how it would compare. It looks like the Onkyo PR SC5509 (Integra DHC 80.3 clone) is going to be released in the US, so I may just pick that up and give it a shot.
I am here.

It is impossible for me to know how the 80.2/3 would sound compared to anyone's analog 2 channel setup, even my own (since it is in a different house). The Carys have all had excellent analog sound but, imho, fail as adequate digital MCH audio processors for a number of reasons. Since almost all of my listening is digital MCH, I prefer the Integra and, if it doesn't float your boat for stereo analog, get a good 2 channel preamp (with an HT bypass), like a Cary, for that.
Msf - FWIW - sonically I don't think there is a difference between the 80.2 and 80.3, which means there would be no audible advantage in waiting for a 5509. Instead, since this is a "shot", you might pick up an 80.2 used at a lower price, or maybe even refurbished with a warranty. Either way, you would save money over a new 5509, IMHO.