Dual subs and room size

Hi. I've been considering dual subs with speaker input to pair with my Martin Logan 35xt's and not sure what I should be considering in relation to room size. My room is 17' X 10' with the equip along the long wall. I've been looking at SVS sb1000s and HSU vtf 1/3. The SVS are 12" sealed vs 10" ported hybrid for the HSU. It was suggested that I go with no more than 10".  They will support 100% music. The speakers are pretty much an 9' equidistant triangle set up and would be looking to set the subs on the outer side of the standmounts. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave

Thank you all for your discussions and info, I appreciate it. Been doing much reading since thing thread started and have learned a lot. Haven't made any decisions yet. My budget is $950 so my options are somewhat limited. Any specific recommendations would be helpful.
 Reading about nodes/anti nodes was thinking about my room. The room is 17' X 10' that opens to a 10' X 10' room directly behind my seat. My chair is right on the line that separates the two. Next to me is a 13" X 8" pillar. The reason I bring this up, I never calculated the smaller room  as part of my listening space. One of the articles that I was reading mentioned that this type of space could act in a similar fashion to bass traps, the sine waves will travel past my listening position and dissapate. Conversely it may appear that I am sitting in the middle of a large room although on that score there is nothing that I can do. Think of the room as an inverted two layer wedding cake. Does this environment change how I should approach bass. Or the size/number of subs. Again thanks.
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Hi Italian,

Best way to find out is to measure. :)

You can also approach this a step at a time. Get 1 sub, place it the best you can, measure it, plan your next move.

Empirical measurements are always better than theory when it comes to a specific application.


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