NAD T973

Thinking of buying one of these! Unused still in the box!

Does anyone have experience with these? I can't find reviews anywhere!

I was going to maybe pair it with a T175, to power B&W XT's or CM8's
I own an NAD T 955 driving a pair of Thiel CS3 fronts, Thiel CS2 surrounds and a Focal C700 center channel ... perfect!! I find myself playing the HT louder than usual, not because I need to, it is so clean ... I think you will enjoy the NAD, excellent electronics. Besides the T 955 I own a C375BEE Integrated as the heart of my 2 channel hi fi. Love NAD. Do it, you will not regret it.
I have a T973 driving Dali Diva Grand mains in a 7 channel setup. I have used a M15 and a T175HD with it. I am very impressed with this setup. I went from a two channel setup to 5.1 then 7.1 and have recently returned to listening to vinyl using a VPI TNT, ET2, Monster Genesis 1000, BAT VK P5 front end. I have not heard anything decent to compare it to recently but I am pretty happy and a bit surprised with the results. I don't think I lost much if anything going from the M15 to the T175HD. I definitely gained from the Audussy in the T175 as I have a difficult room, 20x20.

If you get the T175HD make sure to update the firmware.
Hi Guys

Ok so I purchased the T973, new in sealed box/inside plastic sealed.

Wow! What a piece! Weighs a ton, always reassuring!

Yet to try her out!
"Wow! What a piece! Weighs a ton, always reassuring!"

Not to suggest a resemblance but so do boat anchors.