Does using a rca to XLR adapter compromise power and dynamics of power amp?

Currently using rca to XLR adapters for the connection from my A/V receiver to my Krell power amp, since the Krell does not have rca inputs on it.  It has recently been suggested to me that by doing it that way the output voltage may be reduced from what the Krell would be "looking for".  Thoughts?
Looking at the specs on page 319 of the AVR manual, where the 1.2 volt figure appears, I would interpret that figure to be the output voltage the AVR would produce when it is used in conjunction with a line-level analog source and is provided with an analog input of 0.2 volts (note the reference to input sensitivity of 200 mv), with the volume control at max. Most modern analog sources will provide considerably higher voltages than that, and in response I would expect that the AVR would be capable of providing considerably more than 1.2 volts.

However I see also that if digital media are listened to via the AVR’s internal DAC the rated output voltage corresponding to 0 db (which would refer to the maximum possible value of a digital sample) is 2 volts. In that situation you would not be able to drive the amp to full power. But the difference between 2 volts and 2.71 volts is only 2.6 db. That is about a 26% reduction in maximum power capability, but is a fairly small difference from a subjective standpoint. And given the very high power capability of the amp you may never want to use that 26% anyway. Especially if your speakers have low impedance, as the amp is rated to provide 400, 800, and 1600 watts into 8, 4, and 2 ohms respectively.

-- Al
OK, yeah, my speakers are rated 4 ohms and around 92db sensitivity.  I'm thinking I'm in pretty good shape with my current situation.  I just didn't know if the rca to XLR adapters would in any way limit the amp's ability to produce bass transients, slam, and impact.  But it appears that should not be the case.  Other factors, such as speaker cables and interconnects, may be the way to get the best out of the amp and to the speakers.
Correction to my previous post: "26%" should be "46%," although as I indicated that corresponds to a reduction of 2.6 db which is a small amount from a subjective standpoint.

-- Al