Oppo Sonica DAC Expected this fall

The Absolute Sound issue #267 has an ad on page 25 for the Oppo Sonica DAC due this fall. The DAC uses the ES038PRO 32-bit DAC chip and has many other features.  Control is via the Sonia App for iOS and Android.   The projected list price is $799.  Please see this link:


Does anyone have any additional information?

I emailed OPPO to get a few questions answered now that the RMAF is over.

"Our upcoming products are still, unfortunately, deep in development, which is why we have not updated the Sonica Grand, Sonica DAC, and UDP-203 websites. Once we are closer to release, we will be updating our website to contain all the features and specifications of these products.

- Availability date and price?
1. The Sonica DAC will be released ideally in December. The price should be $799.00.

- Will it indeed stream DSD files gapless over ethernet from a networked PC/NAS?
2. The Sonic DAC will not support gapless playback out of box. This is something that we hope we can add in a future firmware release in the future.

- Capability with Tidal, Pandora, MQA, other?
3. The unit will support Tidal through the Sonica application and Airplay for any other streaming services. Additional services will be added to the Sonica application in the future. MQA may be added to future firmware, but we are only in the discussion phase with Meridian at the moment.

- Will it be Roon ready?
4. Roon may be added in the future but is not a part of the product at launch.

- Is the volume control mechanical (pot) or digital?
5. The control is purely digital.

- Will the balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA outputs work simultaneously?
6. Yes, just like the HA-1, all outputs are available simultaneously.

- Is the internal power supply switching or linear?
7. The internal power supply is switching.

Best Regards,

Customer Service
OPPO Digital, Inc."

@cordobaman...thanks for sharing the info!  You got answers to a few of the questions I had too.
On a related note, the oppo "store" http://oppodigital.com/products.asp really leaves something to be desired. Not that I'm in the market for it, but why should only the 103 model blue ray players be listed and even then are out-of-stock? Where is the 105? Where is their inventory?