PSB Stratus Gold v GoldI real differences?

Hi,   About 1.5 years a go i tried a pair of beautiful piano black PSB Stratus Gold is and found them to be a bit overly warm.  I had a pair of Def tech BP20s here at the time and it was like someone turned the focus on a camera lens when going to the 20s but there were some things liked about the PSBs  I have heard it said that the original Gold sounds better to some then the Gold  i.  Has anyone ever compared them head to head?  I would like your thoughts based on at .  Thanks
Stereophile reviewed the original Gold in 1991 and the Goldi in1997. The new version seems to have less of a bump around 70 hz and a smoother flatter response from 6khz to 15khz,

read both reviews here,