Hello Everyone!
First I really appreciate any input you might have for me!

I am very new to the audiophile environment. I have a Jeff Rowland Coherence One preamp and an Oracle Delphi MK II Turntable with Alphason HR 100s tone arm, and a Micro Benz Glider M2 MC cartridge.
I also have a Parasound Dac.

I am borrowing a Bryston 3b to power my speakers.. however I need to buy my own.

Bryston is great! however I need more power for my NHT VT-2.4 speakers which has a 88db sensitivity and are 6 ohms..
However they sound great with my other pair of ADS L810 speakers which are 88db and are 4 ohms...

I would like like to buy an amp and spend about $1.000

What would you all recommend???

Best Regards

Grab a pair of Sony TA-N80ES and run them in monoblock configuration. They'll output 370W @ 6 Ohms 0.003% THD each channel.

Here's someone selling them for $625 each or best offer:

Sounds like there's room to negotiate?
There is a Harman Kardon HK 990 on Agon right now....great review in Stereophile...I was curious myself awhile back and was going to buy one but none were available at the time. 
My limited experience, CJ tube vs Bryston vs McIntosh vs Adcom.
CJ good customer service, probably beyond your budget but I really enjoy my MV60SE.  Bryston overall my favorite, awesome service, warranty and quality.  If the 3B-SST isn't enough amp, $1000 may not come close.  McIntosh, great sound quality but no better than CJ or Bryston, not so great service IMO, and pricey.  Adcom, huge bang / watts for the buck on the used market, but does not have quite the sound quality of the others.