Recently re-discovered or newly discovered music in your current "heavy rotation"

Family Band "Grace & Lies"
Joe Walsh "The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get"
Case/Lang/Veirs "S/T"
Grant Lee Buffalo "Fuzzy"

jafant & lenmc2964,

Please post your impression of the RS mono box on that thread. I would appreciate the help and your evaluation. Thank you.


I have the Notorious Cherry Bombs cd. Vince Gill is coming locally soon.
Crippled Black Phoenix... Any comments from the fellow agoners?... 
Listening to them for a few weeks now and still cannot make my mind if its the real stuff or just another thing that goes nowadays for "progressive"... Now waiting for their 2015 output where they reinterpreted Meddle. 

Thanks Ghost. Enjoyed that. They remind me of Galactic. I have checked them out before and the album you referenced is much more accessible for me.