An all Parasound system - Good idea?

My brother- in- law visited last weekend and heard my 2 channel system for the first time.  Slightly ocd, he spent much time online and emailed me last night to say he was going to put his own system together and was planning to buy all of his components from Parasound, in part because he thinks a single brand will optimze performance and compatability, and because he is enamored by the John Curl connection. To that end, he plans to buy  a JC2 Preamp, A21 Amp and JC3+ phono amp.

I have told him focus on  speakers first, then source components. That notwithstanding, is the "All Parasound " a good idea to avoid the possibility of components not playing nice together or should he not focus on brand loyalty and shop for "best in class" components instead?

I have long advocated having a single manufacture provide all the components...  You can be assured that they all work to their best. 
I use a JC 3, JC 2 BP, and JC 1s for stereo.  For mch and HT, front LR from a Bryston SP3 passes through the JC 2 BP, with direct feed to a JC 1 for center and to a pair of A 23s for side and rear surround.  I use an A 21 in a secondary stereo setup.  I think an all Parasound setup is a good choice. 
Generally speaking, a single brand solution can be somewhat iffy, or at least used to be.  A buddy bought an all Proton system back in the day, and the speakers had drivers from Pioneer and were really nothing special.  The cd player and tape deck were made by someone else as well as I recall and only average.  

But that said, there certainly are brands that would work well as a single brand solution, and these days good brands don't try to cheap out in this regard.   Parasound is definitely one of them, as is Mcintosh or Nad depending on the budget level.