Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  
Try to sell everyone, I'm sticking to cars and subs, 
been in this game a long time, I also worked as a stereo salesman, this means nothing, 
been in this game too long, between my brother and I, we have probably had every brand which is worthy under the sun.
a good a/b amp is by a country mile, just better. 
I will keep my ears open for a good class d sound, but so far there are several missing components of the sound they make, and yes, on multiple speakers/sources, preamps, missmash of components, cables, name it , my brother has probably owned it at one time. 

Sure, they are cool running, gobs of power, small footprint, etc etc, but the is just, not there. There is no sparkle, rapture, goosebumps, whatever silly names which are used. 

If YOU, like them, awesome, enjoy them, I know they are not for me

and as far as the belittling names, sterile, heartless, soulless, etc etc, so not the case in ANY amp I have listened to. 

You mean allowing the listener to feel the musical emotions? Like how the Atma-Sphere amplifiers and pre-amps does in spades :-)

Class D has never given me those intimate feelings during musical playback however for Studio recording, tracking and mixing on large studio speaker it can work, for Large Pro Audio Speakers it works even better. For Audiophile level setups i am not yet sure but i have not heard them all.

I have Class D Quested Amps setup for Home Theater use, powering up my Quested Rear channels all 12 of them with out a hint of strain, and it does a fine job. However my main front LCR Speakers use Active setup Class AB Quested Amps.

I Would like to Hear a Class D amplifier paired with a 300B Tube pre-amp.
So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter.
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  

+1 seanheis1

Cheers George
When relating impressions of various class d amps it would help to also mention what speakers were involved.

As I mentioned earlier Clas D will distinguish itself with certain kinds of speakers whereas with others it a harder call and some they will just not shine. Nobody is saying they will always sound best rather they up the game in terms of what is possible out of a package more people might like but only if given the chance to do what they do best.
As I sit here totally enthralled with what I hear coming out of my big Ohm Walsh speakers (12" Walsh style driver) as I am on most Saturday afternoons when I get a chance to have extended listening sessions I am totally baffled how some have such disdain for the technology. Something ain’t right.