An all Parasound system - Good idea?

My brother- in- law visited last weekend and heard my 2 channel system for the first time.  Slightly ocd, he spent much time online and emailed me last night to say he was going to put his own system together and was planning to buy all of his components from Parasound, in part because he thinks a single brand will optimze performance and compatability, and because he is enamored by the John Curl connection. To that end, he plans to buy  a JC2 Preamp, A21 Amp and JC3+ phono amp.

I have told him focus on  speakers first, then source components. That notwithstanding, is the "All Parasound " a good idea to avoid the possibility of components not playing nice together or should he not focus on brand loyalty and shop for "best in class" components instead?

Ricred, for you to describe the JC stuff as 2 dimensional, masks details(What??) and a big disappointment, there was something else at play.  It's not a case of different strokes for different folks.  Perhaps your speakers are a bad match for Halo gear, maybe you didn't break them in properly.  Your cables might be muffling things somewhat.  I know that I've cleaned all my cable connections and with deoxit and had the q-tips turn dark with carbon, and the sound improved afterward.   There had to be some other issue.

I mean, I guess one could prefer another brand, but not because the Halo stuff is 2 dimensional.

At the time I had the Parasound A21 amp and I'm describing what I heard after a couple of weeks. Initially I thought the JC 2 was fine, but after continuous listening I decided to sell it. Notice, nothing negative about the A21. 2nd point.. it's my opinion, my ears, and no one can tell me what I heard or what to think. 
My friend had 4 different amps recently: McIntosh, Absolare, Bricasti, and Rowland. The Absolare to my ears was on a different level. I prefer the Rowland over the McIntosh and Bricasti. I'm not afraid to tell my friend the Absolare to my ears was better than my Rowland. Don't want to argue about my opinion. 
Couple final thoughts: 1) Mr. Ricred is a fine seller.  I appreciate his opinion and how he treated me when purchasing his JC2. First class all the way.  2) I wish I had the time and cabbage to sample all the fine gear discussed on these forums.  I believe these days the number of good choices are so plentiful we all have an excellent opportunity to be happy pursuing this hobby.  


Thanks for the kind words. I'm a humble person and I don't think I'm the authority on Audio. I'm not rich, but I have a friend that's pretty wealthy that has allowed me to hear and own components that I couldn't on my own. I'm truly grateful for his help! 

Lets not forget that how a component sounds is in the context of the system. Maybe the cables I had at the time didn't work well with the JC2 or maybe I don't prefer the sound of the JC2. Either way my opinion in no way invalidates yours or anyone else. I'm actually happy that I sold the JC2 to someone that liked it!
Ok - so my bro-in-law and I just finished a nice bottle of red ( 2008 Col Dorcia Brunello di Montalcino) and, now well lubricated, I showed him this thread. His follow up question - " If you were going with a one brand system ( including phono amp) what would you choose?"