An all Parasound system - Good idea?

My brother- in- law visited last weekend and heard my 2 channel system for the first time.  Slightly ocd, he spent much time online and emailed me last night to say he was going to put his own system together and was planning to buy all of his components from Parasound, in part because he thinks a single brand will optimze performance and compatability, and because he is enamored by the John Curl connection. To that end, he plans to buy  a JC2 Preamp, A21 Amp and JC3+ phono amp.

I have told him focus on  speakers first, then source components. That notwithstanding, is the "All Parasound " a good idea to avoid the possibility of components not playing nice together or should he not focus on brand loyalty and shop for "best in class" components instead?

Ok - so my bro-in-law and I just finished a nice bottle of red ( 2008 Col Dorcia Brunello di Montalcino) and, now well lubricated, I showed him this thread. His follow up question - " If you were going with a one brand system ( including phono amp) what would you choose?"  

If I were going with a one brand system, I would follow these steps:

1) determine budget
2) determine your musical preference(s)
3) consider room size 
4) room treatment 
5) listen to as many systems as possible
6) let your own ears decide

I don't tell people what to buy; however I do voice my opinion on what I like or don't like based on what I've actually listened to with familiar music. 
Ricred, I'm not telling you what you heard or what to think.  I'm simply saying that there was some other reason for the substandard sound.  Either way, good that you ended up with 3d imaging.
For just a taste of how nuts this can get visit higherfi2DOTcom

it can get flat out insane

all the best to you fellow audiophiles - may aural bliss find you! 

A few "one-brand" systems that I could be quite happy with:

Audio Research

Now I'm only talking electronics here, speakers are a whole other can of worms but I'm an Aerial fan.  Rockport is another speaker that really impresses me.