Sony Hapz1es or blue sound.......

I have a question about the Sony Hapz 1es. I recently took a listen to it and noticed that it sound a little lifeless and dull, not at all bright and musical From what I read in the reviews. I than listened to blue sound and was surprised how well that sounded compared to the Sony. In all fairness I did listen to it a Best Buy and the Sony it was not set up properly. I wanted to know it anyone else noticed the same or opposite as I did?

Not so.  I have 2 Sony HAP-Z1ES players in 2 different systems.  I can unequivocally say it sounds better than my previous Aurender n100h player and Wyred4sound Dac-2 DSD and a  dedicated laptop running J Rivers Media Center 21 and the same dac. 

The Sony is anything but dull and lifeless, its just the opposite.   It's a lot of player for the money and has gotten many awards.  Personally, I don't think Best Buy has any equipment capable of showing the true sound of the player.

Thanks for the feed back. I cant believe that you brought up the Aurender n100h because that was the other player that I was considering. If you say the Sony sounds better, plus all the new updates it just received, than I am going to take the plunge. Thanks for you feedback. 
I agree with Stereo5,  at Best Buy you heard the sound through an entire system and not simply the Sony in isolation. If the quality of associated audio components are suspect you'd never really hear what the Sony is actually capable of.  Experienced listeners on this site that I trust have reported that the Sony is very good. 