New dedicated line & outlets sound worse, not better- HELP!

About 3 weeks ago I installed a new dedicated power line from my breaker box to the outlets for my stereo set-up.  I used 10 gauge Romex, a new breaker in the panel, and also installed two new Porter Port cryo'd outlets.

My system is comprised of the following:
Gallo Strada speakers
M&K MX-80 sub
Parasound A23 amp
Consonance Cyber 222 line stage pre
MHDT Stockholm 2 DAC
Audio Philleo converter & Pure Power module
Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables
Silnote Epirus USB cable
Silnote Morpheus IC from DAC
Audience PowerChord from DAC
spiked maple stands for pre and amp

So my concern is that my system sounded just about perfect prior to the installation of the dedicated line and outlets- very clean, open, and detailed, yet also a musical and relaxed sounding. I figured the new dedicated line and outlets would just bring more of all of the good things I was hearing.

Instead, following it's installation, everything sounds a bit edgy and fatiguing to my ears. Soundstage depth and separation are improved, as well as bandwidth, but I literally cannot listen for more than 30 minutes before I get irritated. The treble seems too aggressive, which I'm very sensitive to. And there seems to be a slight veil over everything- just not as open as before.
Do I need to just be patient with break-in of the line and outlets? I've heard it can take a month or more for things to settle down. What are others experience after installing a new line and/or outlets?
Any insights or possible issues I might have overlooked are much appreciated!
Well done persevering. Guess the entire system had to be "run in" with the new AC supply. I've had clients report similar things when my licensed electrician upgrades their AC - it takes some time. My bad not mentioning it. Happy listening.

What a great thread - I'm just reading this for the first time. 

There is a wealth of really good information here - and most if not all of it I would agree with. I would love to see you try one of our EQUI=CORE Balanced AC Power Sources on your Front End. From what I can see here one of our E=C 150's and perhaps an IEC Strip like a Wireworld Matrix 2 would really be a nice thing to try. Your Dedicated Line is wonderful - but utilizing Balanced AC Power to your front end can lower noise (further) and really produce a Blacker and more "at ease" sound-stage. 

Of course I'm biased - but I would not be against allowing you to try one of our units and see if I'm not right...

Respectfully yours,



@ corepowertech,

 I don't see anything on your Web Site that says the output of your 60/120Vac balanced power system equipment is GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protected.  Question, is it GFCI protected?

Is your power equipment Listed, safety tested by any recognized third party testing laboratory, such as UL or CSA?


Our Hubbell Outlets are not GFCI - we do have a fast acting Circuit Breaker in place - works well. 

Our products are not currently UL or CSA (or CE)... 

Next year we will apply for CE. 

Thank You,

Our Hubbell Outlets are not GFCI - we do have a fast acting Circuit Breaker in place - works well.

At the receptacle/s is there a difference of potential, voltage, from either Hot contact to the "U" shaped safety equipment ground contact of 60Vac?

If yes, I believe, that meets the definition of a separately derived 60/120Vac grounded Technical Power System.
