Standmount speakers 4k-8k

On the lookout for standmount/bookshelf in the 4k-8k range. I've now got Monitor Audio GX-50 which are great for the price but I'm looking higher now. 
So far I've heard Aerial 5t, Totem Element Fire and Kef Reference one. The Kef's offer a huge sound, but are, hard to describe it, a bit grainy in tone. The Totem are sweeter, but a little dead sounding. The 5t were really quite good--fast, clear, lively. None of them had noticeably better bass than what I'm using now! so I'm still in the hunt. 
Very interested to know if anyone has heard the new Monitor Platinum II line, particularly the 100s, which are what I'm interested in. 
I'll be listening to some Focals soon, and Dynaudio. 
Any other tips? I need to get something fairly small, and very conventional looking (that's why not listening to BW D3). 

Thanks folks. 
concur with the sound a pair to go with the 19' comparison with others...nothing comes close...imho
 Having completed my new car business I'm back in the hunt.. 
At a lovely local dealer listened to Sonus Guarneri Evolution (24K, but as demos 12K) Focal Electra 1008: $4000/pr (N/I stands).Focal Sopra One: ($9,000, includes stands; 

The Sonus--my goodness, that's what incredible sounds like. Detail and space, warm without feeling colored, crisp in a way I hadn't heard before. 
Out of my range, but fab. 
The Electra--very good--big sound for a little thing. As good or better than the Aerial 5t I listened to. More or less same price.
Sopra one: very very good. Not the Sonus, but not too far away, as far as I could tell. Liked all 3, even the electra, more than Kef Ref one and Totem Element fire. Personal taste all the way, of course.
For single instruments or a string quartet the Electra weren't that far off the other two. But with the orchestra or complex world music, you could really hear a difference. 
of course the whole thing was colored by the around 10k worth of cd player and amps and cables I was listeneing to!
So... soon to try the Paradigm Persona B, just off the boat new. And then I want to check out Monitor PL100II, and if I can one of the good Dynaudios. 
Then all I have to do is make up my mind. 
Thanks for all your tips and good wishes. Happy holidays to us all. 

Don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t think setting a $4K to $8K price range is  realistic. It’s like saying I’m looking to buy a four-door car, something between a Toyota Carrolla and a BMW 3-series. And then go and test drive full optioned BMW M3. As someone mentioned earlier, first make sure you’re taking most advantage of what you have by feeding them the best you can. You may be pleasantly surprised.

I am a dealer for Wilson Benesch loudspeaker. Carbon Fiber cabinets crazy components and design. I am ordering a pair of the Vertex monitors or my shop. I can have them sent to you for an audition, 

Kalili thanks for advice. I have taken the comments about electronics to heart and just yesterday bought on Audiogon a Sony integrated amp (regular price 2k, got it for 1/2 that). So in a week I'll see how the GX-50s sound with a real amp, rather than the $300 Yamaha I've been using. 

Ain't music grand?