What do audiophiles want from a cable?

What should a high quality interconnect or speaker cable do to the sound of a system? Make it more transparent? Improve the sound stage and focus? Soften unpleasant highs? Tighten the base? Bring out the mids?

To me, a good cable should reveal more of what is on the recording and more of the true nature of my components. So when trying new cables, I look for more detail and accuracy without becoming cold and clinical. This seems logical, and yet after reading reviews and trying a few of the cables in the reviews, I find that the cables that have received glowing endorsements are not especially transparent or revealing. They modify the sound, but they don’t take me where I want to go. I wonder if the reason I don’t hear what the reviewer heard is that I don’t know what to listen for. Am I too focused on cable accuracy and resolution, and not enough on actual sound quality? Or is it just a case of no two systems sounding alike so why trust a review anyway? Thanks.
I aim for high resolution, clean, grainless sound which is natural, smooth, fairly neutral to slightly warm in tonal balance, harmonically rich, well balanced top to bottom (ie: not overly emphasized bass or rolled off top end) & well built. I use Jorma cables in my system which are made from extremely pure copper, ceramic, wallnut & pure, uncolored teflon.
If you have a good components, it's almost a waste if you don't get good cables, in my case, for a long time, I tried to get away with less quality cables, it did not work, After many years I decided to buy good speaker cable for $1500 , I was shocked to learn how good is my system.True for those who can afford it, Go for it.My friend own B6 Elac connected to kimber 8ag , the speakers sounds unbelievable...
This is an interesting and argumentative thread which often develops when the OP asks such an oblique question. I haven't seen much of GK posting, but he can be relied upon for contributing nothing but nonsense to the discussion.  I will say that I just got a pair of Shunyata Venom IC's and the Venom power cord and both were an improvement to my system for not a lot of dough.  I am a cable denier, but the Shunyata cords were clearly better than my existing cables, no question.  
"I am a cable denier, but the Shunyata cords were clearly better than my existing cables, no question."

This statement speaks for itself.